About our Project

This is the journey of a small bungalow from (slightly) decrepit to delightful.

Having purchased the house in 2014, we have put its rehabilitation off long enough. Work now begins in mid-2021. I’ve gained so much inspiration and moral support from reading others’ blogs about their house processes, leading me to believe that there was a need for another one out there in the digital world. I am a historic preservation professional, but I write this from the perspective of an informed homeowner and someone who’s always learning as I go.

Our “green and shingled” abode was built at the dawn of 1910. As we were musing early-on about what color to paint, my favorite color consultant gazed up at the house and remarked, “Sometimes a green house just wants to be green!” She’s pretty wise and we took that to heart. Green it will remain. And shingled. Hence the title. But it’ll be a different green… and different shingles. Yet the same. Replace in kind, and only when necessary, people.